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What is a photomask?


A photomask is comprised of a solid, transparent substrate, such as glass or fused silica, showing an opaque coating on one of the ...

What is a photomask?2023-08-30T15:54:08+00:00

Photomask Inspection


A hard defect is any flaw affecting the photomask mask, other than contamination. One class of defects includes ...

Photomask Inspection2023-06-29T15:51:23+00:00

Parts of a Photomask


A hard defect is any flaw affecting the photomask mask, other than contamination. One class of defects includes ...

Parts of a Photomask2023-06-29T17:03:11+00:00

Photomask Writing


The writing equipment writes the geometry onto the blank mask plate by exposing the photo resist to a UV light source, a laser or an electron beam ...

Photomask Writing2023-06-29T17:04:48+00:00

Photomask Quality


Photomasks must be of the highest quality and must meet a wide variety of customer specifications. The photomask quality requirements are usually ...

Photomask Quality2023-06-29T17:07:47+00:00

Photomask Tone


Various terminologies are used to describe the tone of both pattern and background areas of a photomask.

Photomask Tone2023-06-29T17:08:23+00:00

Who are the Top Photomask Manufacturers?


With the photomask market on the rise each year, the importance of finding a quality photomask manufacturer you can trust is more important than ever. We pull together a list of the top photomask manufacturers from ...

Who are the Top Photomask Manufacturers?2023-06-29T17:08:59+00:00
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