At Photo Sciences, we take your privacy very seriously. We are NOT in the business of selling, renting, or disclosing your personally identifiable information to others. We have created this statement to describe our commitment to your privacy.

Effective: October 2017

What information do we gather and track?

We record IP addresses (the internet address of a computer) to track sessions on our site. Tracking helps us to ensure the security of our site and to identify the parts and pages of our site that are visited. However, if you create a new account, fill out a survey or sign on to a page that requires authorization, transfer data or files, or enter into any other transaction with us, you may be asked to provide us your name, e-mail address, company name, phone number, fax number, postal address, and possibly other personal information.

We may use the information you provide to:

Provide you with information regarding our products and or services that you may have requested. We may also use this information to keep you informed of new products and or services we may offer.

Cookies and how we use them:

Cookies are unique text files that are sent to your browser from a web server. As you browse our web site, cookies are placed on your computer’s hard drive to facilitate the operation of our on-line business services during your visit to our site. Typically, the cookies contain the session ID and other data related to your “Current” connection to our site. We do not collect information or record information contained in the cookies.

How do we use the information we gather and track?

The information collected will be used for the normal course of business and processing orders. On occasion we may use the information for personalizing your procurement experience, promotions, announcements, special offers, etc. Please see the Opt-in or Opt-out section below.

With whom we may share your information?

We may sometimes engage agents or contractors to perform services necessary to our operations (for example, delivery of products, manufacture of components, product specific services, etc.). When we do, we may give them access to name, company, address or other information to assist them in performing their job for us, but not for any other purpose. Except as described above, and as may be required by law, we will not disclose your personally identifiable information to others without your consent. In order to guard your non-public personal information from unauthorized disclosure, we maintain physical, electronic and procedural safe guards that comply with our professional standards.

Opt-in or Opt-Out:

Occasionally, we may wish to send promotional information to you via email. You can subscribe or unsubscribe from any of our product update lists in your user-account settings.

Correcting or updating personal information:

If your personally identifiable information changes, or if you no longer desire our services, you will be able to correct, update or remove your personal data provided to us. This can be accomplished by contacting Photo Sciences via phone, or mail communication.

Do Not Track Signals

  • A Do Not Track (DNT) standard has not been adopted to this day, and therefor Photo Sciences doesn’t use DNT signals.
  • Photo Sciences doesn’t authorize the collection of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) from our customers for third party use through advertising technologies.

What is a DNT signal?

Currently, various browsers (including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari) offer a DNT option the relies on a technology known as a DNT header that sends a signal to websites visited by the browser user about the user’s DNT preference. One can usually access their browser’s DNT option in your browser’s preferences.

Feedback or Questions:

If you have any feedback or questions regarding our privacy statement, please contact us as follows: Attn: Customer Service Photo Sciences, Inc. 2542 West 237th St. Torrance, CA, 90505 Phone: (310) 634-1500

Privacy Policy Updates:

Please check back for updates to this privacy policy, since we may update it from time to time without notice.